Monday 4 January 2010

A friend recently asked me if I had internet access from home.

Me. The girl who lives online, who met her husband online, who - like Beatty said of Madonna in "Truth or Dare", she doesn't live off-camera - doesn't live offline.

The answer is, quite simply, yes. Yes I do have Internetz at home.

Others starting blogs write great openers which set the tone and style of what they intend to share and say. I don't have a speech prepared, so I'll just say this: the world is a selfish, narcissistic place. In fact, it's not dog-eat-dog, it's T-Rex eat newborn puppy. And as such, I have strong views one most things which I intend to share here, so that you can read them or ignore them. That's my effort to be a less selfish bitch. And if you are tsking or tutting at me naming myself accordingly then you don't really know me! But hopefully thru what I post, you can start to see that yes, my brain really works like this...